Monday audio. Panel # 1 (Thomas, Assaf, Andrew, Julian, Yohance, Madeline) is on for tomorrow. And tell your friends.
Review the Syllabus, Assessments, and Panels; I will take questions at the beginning of class. In particular: Arguments are on the schedule for Friday, May 9 (day after exams end). We could do them on Thursday, May 8 (last day of exams) if it will not interfere with anyone's other exams and assignments.
For tomorrow, prep §§ 2.01 and 2.02. In addition, read Lindke v. Freed in place of the material on p.30.
• What do § 242 and § 1983 do? How are they similar and how are they different?
• What is the core or obvious meaning of "under color?" How did the Court expand that core in Classic, Screws, and Monroe?
• Prep the puzzles in § 2.02[6]. Prep Davison (Puzzle # 2) in light of the Court's decision in Lindke. Is there a way that Wilson and Gomez can come out differently?